Image of blue water bubbles on transparent background
Water Medium Synergy LinkedIn Profile Connection Tab
Image of blue water splash on transparent background
Image of blue water splash on transparent background
Swirls of gold and orange abstract line swooshes in the background
Silhouette of 3 persons sitting crosslegged facing each other in a meditative state connecting to the energy force of the Cosmos
Round purple image of infinity symbol made up of two gold yellow arms in the shape of Number 8 with each hand's index finger touching in the center.

Copyright © 2018-2024 WMS - Water Medium Synergy  (All Rights Reserved & Protected) 

Transparent swooshes of bluish, green and yellow orange smoke.

Join us at our upcoming September 2024 Workshop Seminar in Toronto, Ontario

where we will explain the "Infinity Factor" and its role in your soul's past, present and future journey.


Your soul's development is contingent on the  "Infinity Factor".
Each life span transitions between the past and future existence without a specific continuum in time. Meaning one can be born into one's past, present or future at different periods in time. Each existence then presents the necessary life lessons relevant to the soul's development in different eras and time settings. 

Only when one's soul has traveled the course and successfully completed each of the particular assigned life lessons for its evolutionary development can the transition to another charted pathway in the Universe commence for the individual. 

The "Infinity Factor" of being

Purple arrow facing right linked to WMS Workshop webpage
Image of antique silver pocket watch dangling left to write with hue of browning smoke and ocean in the background

Workshop Highlights:

  • ​​Past Life Transcendence and Continuum
  • Understanding the Purpose of Reincarnation
  • Living the Principles of the "INFINITY" Factor
  • How to Release Negative "Past Imprints from Your Subconscious"
  • How to Avoid Spiritual "Pit Falls"
  • The Necessity for Recovery between life spans
  • Recognizing Failures as Opportunities for Advancement
  • The How & When of Filling the "Shopping Cart" Before Re-Birth 
Email graphic image - white envelope on blue background


A continuum in time that transcends our past, simultaneously exists in the present and lies beyond patiently awaiting our return into its fold. A process that Water Medium Marlene coined as the "Universal Infinity Factor of Being".

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Black silhouette of 3 men walking towards the heavenly sky
Transparent swooshes of bluish, green and yellow orange smoke.